Neptune Coring (Western) Ltd is committed to providing a safe and healthy work environment for its stakeholders and to conducting its business in a safe manner. Health & Safety are core values that must be incorporated into all aspects of our business.  We have committed ourselves to work in the spirit of consultation and cooperation with the workers.

We integrate health and safety objectives into our management systems at all levels of the Group. Management is accountable for the prevention of injuries and occupational illnesses.

Every manager, supervisor, employee and contractor working for Neptune expects a safe and healthy environment, and in turn, we expect everyone to contribute to that safe environment through responsible behavior. 

Everyone is also expected to demonstrate the Health & Safety are core values through visible commitment and active engagement of each other.

When it comes to safety, we believe the only acceptable number is zero - zero accidents, incidents or occupational illnesses. Reaching this goal is critical for us to reach excellence.

Neptune Coring is a mebmer of and safety aproved by both CanQual and Pic's which are out side companies that evaluates and rates all aspects of one's safety/management program.